The easiest way to get bank owned listings
Listing Generation System will show you how to get real estate listings from banks. Listing Generation System will show you the short cut to get REO listings.
The video below gives a few tips on how to get real estate listings from banks. Watch the video and let’s continue this after the video.
Todd Miller from the video gives some good tips on how to get REO bank owned listings.
The first tip he gives you is to sign up with BPO services BPO companies. It is hit and miss with this is because not all BPO companies get listings. Some of them are just BPO services. The current price for a BPO is about fifty dollars. You could do thousands of BPO and never get one listing.
Listing Generation System will give you methode to get listings from Banks, Credit Union, Loan Servicing Companies, Asset Companies ….
Todd Miller gives you another tip to sign up at the websites to get REO listings. This is pretty simple you would do a simple google search for REO listings + your city or zip code. A list of asset companies, loan servicing companies will come up in the google results.
One of Todd’s tips to get REO listings is to go to the courthouse where the auction sales are being held. Bid on Properties at the auction sale. Raise money with investors. This method is doable but not recommended. You have to go through the eviction process, repair process all for a listing commission. For all of that work, it is you should do for a share of the profits.